£25,000 for injured shopper failed by national firm Irwin Mitchell
Mr R suffered a injury to his neck and wrist when he slipped on a hazard on a supermarket floor. The evidence suggested that the floor was not being checked frequently enough and the slipping hazard had been there for a long time.
He initially approached a large national law firm, Irwin Mitchell, who initiated the claim but when liability was denied advised Mr R that he did not have a case and then closed their file.
Fortunately for Mr R, a friend of his recommended Aston Knight Solicitors and we were happy to take on his case. Whilst liability remained denied, we obtained specialist expert evidence and initiated court proceedings against the supermarket.
Following a period of negotiations a settlement of £25,000 was agreed, with which Mr R was delighted.
Solicitor James Winterbottom, who dealt with the case, commented:
“Many clients are under the misapprehension that they will have better prospects of success if they choose a large, national law firm, rather than a smaller specialist firm such as ours. The truth is often the opposite in that we receive many cases failed or rejected by large and national law firms and, thankfully, are very often able to turn them around and get good results for clients. Many large firms pass cases on to inexperienced and junior staff, in order to maximise profit, but here we will always ensure that cases are dealt with by an experienced solicitor with a proven case success record.”
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