£215,000 for business interruption losses (client advised by previous firm to accept £50,000)
A water leak caused extensive damage to a large country house used as a hotel and wedding venue resulting in a significant business interruption losses claim.
The client had instructed a local firm of solicitors but was unhappy for several reasons, including their approach to the claim and being advised to accept an offer of £50,000 which was only a fraction of the business losses incurred as a result of the damage. The client contacted Aston Knight Solicitors and following a brief conversation instructed us to take over the case.
Aston Knight immediately created a clear case plan; collating and sifting through all the available evidence and obtaining further evidence as necessary. It was clear the current offer was not at all reasonable. Despite the previous solicitors having already instructed a barrister, Aston Knight instructed their own experienced and reputable barrister to represent the client in mediation.
Armed with all the evidence a much more favourable settlement was achieved in the sum of £215,000 which the client was very pleased to accept.
Solicitor, James Winterbottom, commented:
Cases like this highlight the difference between firms “going through the motions” with cases versus those firms, such as ours, who push for the very best result in every case. Transferring from one firm to another is much easier than many people think. You only ever have one shot at your case so if, as it was with this client, you feel something is not right, then perhaps speak to another firm to explore your options. We are always happy to have free-of-charge and 100% confidential discussions with people exploring their options and accept many transfer cases each year.
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